Morning all
Just waiting for my samples of vinyl to turn up and trying to work out how to evenly space the stripes.
I was considering placing the main centre stripe then putting something like masking tape etc next tyo it as a spacer then lay the next stripe
adjacent to the masking tape(if that makes sense)
problem is I'm looking at either a 10mm or 20mm gap which doesn't seem to be a standard masking tape size. Any ideas of an easy to remove
tape I could use or even others ways to ensure even spacing.
I asked the supplier if thaey had the facility to put the stripe onto a backing ready to apply and apparently they only supply off rolls they
don't produce items to apply direct.
Hope this makes more sense to you lot than to me rereading it.
im sure you can get 19mm masking tape, pretty sure we sell it in work (motorworld)
I didn't know that, don't suppose that there is a 10mm version as well is there?
Try fine line tape... deff. available in 3mm 6mm 9mm 12mm
Local bodyshop or the evil bay!
19mm is the thinest we sell,
As Ian says, fine line tape.
crepe tape. used by americans for painitng flames and stuff. very thin.
i think you can get it down the paint aisle at homebase. bright colours like yellow blue green etc
i think there was a couple of different sizes too
Many thanks, half the problem when googling is not knowing what the stuff is properly called.
Originally posted by jabbahutt
not knowing what the stuff is properly called.
Thanks for all your help, just need to see the samples of vinyl to ensure I'm happy with it then I can get cracking.
Prepare for posts asking for advice on how to fit this stuff as I'd like to have a bash at doing it myself.
Cheers again
Get normal (old fashioned) car stripes. You can get those in 10mm, and if you don't leaver them on for long, will peal off easily...