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Old fashioned body work courses??
chrsgrain - 5/7/10 at 07:02 PM

Hi all,

After finishing the sevenalike we started restoring a 1967 TR4a, and were doing very well... but we've stalled a bit as we've got to theonly bit left is the bodywork! Don't really know how to start, can weld, but never done anything like this before.... does anyone know of a bodywork course that we can go on? Based in Southampton, but prepared to travel, was going to go to the one in Basingstoke, but its not being run any more.



RK - 5/7/10 at 07:27 PM

my problem is that I can't find that old fashioned bondo stuff. The new way seems to be fibreglass and resin mixed. OK if you get the mix right, and a pain in the bum to sand down.

Haynes makes a book or two on the subject. Check your local library.

rusty nuts - 5/7/10 at 08:26 PM

Not sure where they are but it might be worth e-mailing ECKOLD Ltd

austin man - 5/7/10 at 08:54 PM

I think Leeds college did a restoration course, I know its a trek but you dont want to do the bodywork wrong

907 - 5/7/10 at 09:06 PM

Colchester Tech do, or used to do one too.

Worth a look round your local ones I would think.

Paul G

Chippy - 5/7/10 at 10:48 PM

Chichester Colledge of Further Education does have a fully equiped workshop for vehicle repair courses, but may be for full time students, I don't know, but may be worth your while enquiring and if you can't do it they may be interested as a project for there students. HTH Ray