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Brooklands or other AS-1 safety glazing?
Chet - 17/9/10 at 12:51 AM

My local motor vehicle authority (NJ -USA) have now decided that I must use AS-1 safety glazing instead of Perspex or Lexan for my new J15 aeroscreen.

Does anyone know of any Lexan like material that is physically marked AS-1 ?

Another option might be to use Brooklands style aeroscreens. I can probably have flat AS-1 glass installed in the Brooklands frame if it isn't marked already. Can anyone share any knowledge on these?


[Edited on 17/9/10 by Chet]

[Edited on 17/9/10 by Chet]

interestedparty - 17/9/10 at 05:22 AM

Is this just for a test, or do you need tyo keep it on constantly? Reason I ask, is, couldn't you leave the lexan screen off altogether until after the test?

This AS1 stuff, is it actual glass?

Chet - 17/9/10 at 03:25 PM

The regulations are now being taken as a safety glass windshield is required. They are specifically looking for a manufacturers marking.

It appears that I'll need to replace my curved perspex screen for a Brooklands screen with flat safety glass.

I was hoping to find some other suitable safety glazing materials that could be curved in shape.