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Edge Trim
Miks15 - 21/4/11 at 02:15 PM

Hey guys,

I need to buy some trim bits for the car what can you recomend for this:

The trim to go between rear wheel arches and body. I bought some previously but it was really hard and wouldnt bend so i reckon i bought the wrong stuff!

Also i need some to fit between my dash and scuttle to give a nice finish. Here is the kind of profile im after.

What can people recomend? Needs to do radiuses fairly well as it curves round the dash.


big-vee-twin - 21/4/11 at 02:29 PM

Tadploe trim for the wheelarches from Woolies

[img] First Light Fitted
First Light Fitted

jabbahutt - 21/4/11 at 02:35 PM

As above tadpole trim, used for both arches and dash/scuttle join. Nice and tidy

Miks15 - 21/4/11 at 02:44 PM

which one on the woolies site? theres a few which could work, but not sure which one to go for.

big_wasa - 21/4/11 at 03:54 PM

I have some tadpole trim you can have if you need it for the weekend. plenty for the rear wings.

Miks15 - 21/4/11 at 03:59 PM

thanks for the offer, im in no rush and need to get a few other bits from woolies so ill just buy some from them,
Thanks anyway wasa