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Tax Discs
chrisbeale - 21/3/12 at 02:31 PM

Ok then people, where do you mount yours? i cant help but feel the windscreen is not the best place. I had mine stuck to the floor at one point

contaminated - 21/3/12 at 02:42 PM

In a motorbike disc holder attached to one of the screen supports.

contaminated - 21/3/12 at 02:45 PM

Like so:

loggyboy - 21/3/12 at 02:48 PM

Johneturbo - 21/3/12 at 03:33 PM

In my pocket... no windsreen for me

adithorp - 21/3/12 at 04:20 PM

Mine's on the screen with a tamperproof holder fromthe post office, that destroys the disc if removed.

DIY Si - 21/3/12 at 04:39 PM

Mine was bolted to the dash board.

eddie99 - 21/3/12 at 05:01 PM

Mines stuck on the transmission tunnel by the drivers legs.

David Jenkins - 21/3/12 at 05:35 PM

Mine lives in a Secur-i-Disc holder - if anyone tries to remove it, the disc gets trashed. It's also bl**dy hard to remove, even when you want to!

I'm just about to remove last year's, as my new tax disc is in the post... I found it more economical to buy 2 at a time - one for the current year, one for next year...

steve m - 21/3/12 at 06:04 PM

Mines in the triangle of the near side windscreen mount, i laminated the disk, then stuck it on with some gaffa tape
the put the mount back on


afj - 21/3/12 at 09:03 PM

Tucked away in my wallet last year same as when a had bikes. but I have a motorbike style carbon fibre holder in the tool box

wilkingj - 22/3/12 at 09:58 AM

No Windscreen either.
Motorbike holder bolted to the roll bar. M8 bolt done up F'ing Tight

snowy2 - 23/3/12 at 07:58 PM

The law requires that it is placed in the N/S lower part of the windscreen by what ever method you choose. any other position will make you liable to "NON DISPLAY" and a fine. even if it is on the car and visible!