Ok then people, where do you mount yours? i cant help but feel the windscreen is not the best place. I had mine stuck to the floor at one point
In a motorbike disc holder attached to one of the screen supports.
Like so:
In my pocket... no windsreen for me
Mine's on the screen with a tamperproof holder fromthe post office, that destroys the disc if removed.
Mine was bolted to the dash board.
Mines stuck on the transmission tunnel by the drivers legs.
Mine lives in a Secur-i-Disc holder - if anyone tries to remove it, the disc gets trashed. It's also
bl**dy hard to remove, even when you want to!
I'm just about to remove last year's, as my new tax disc is in the post... I found it more economical to buy 2 at a time - one for the
current year, one for next year...
Mines in the triangle of the near side windscreen mount, i laminated the disk, then stuck it on with some gaffa tape
the put the mount back on
Tucked away in my wallet last year same as when a had bikes. but I have a motorbike style carbon fibre holder in the tool box
No Windscreen either.
Motorbike holder bolted to the roll bar. M8 bolt done up F'ing Tight
The law requires that it is placed in the N/S lower part of the windscreen by what ever method you choose. any other position will make you liable to "NON DISPLAY" and a fine. even if it is on the car and visible!