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2 pack paint
steve m - 11/4/12 at 09:27 AM

I had all the fiberglass painted a couple of years ago in 2 pack
and now have some little repairs to touch in,
I have the paint, and some thinners, so can i mix them up and paint it on ?
i do not have the activator, so will the paint harden with out using any activator?

I do not want to spray anything, and i am aware of the health risks of two pack are !


BobM - 11/4/12 at 09:52 AM

No. It won't harden, it'll stay sticky and horrible. Trust me, I've checked this out ...

Daddylonglegs - 11/4/12 at 09:53 AM

Here we go again!

It's not only the spraying that's a hazard, you need to make sure you have suitable protection when mixing 2K as well.

A search will reveal masses of info/debate on here

cliftyhanger - 11/4/12 at 04:01 PM

If you can scrounge so activator (shouldn't be hard, if you pass by brighton pop in and collect some) then mix up 2-3 parts paint to 1 part activator, you wont need thinners if brushing. For touch-ups you are talking teaspoon quantities.
Wear rubber gloves if you are messy. Don't paint yourself with it either.