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Gap filler
maskell01 - 30/7/12 at 09:33 PM

Hi All!

I have a MONSTEROUS gap between the rear wheel arches and the back panel.
its made from fibreglass, what can i use to fill ths space with?

is there a special edging or filler?



MsD - 30/7/12 at 09:44 PM

Tadpole trim?

Or is it bigger then that?

austin man - 30/7/12 at 09:45 PM

Tadpole beading available from retrimmers and manafacturers MK sell it I would think that Mac one, GBS etc also sell it along with Woolies

Daddylonglegs - 31/7/12 at 05:42 AM

As already said, Tadpole trim. Unless the gap is HUGE, then you need to ask why? The trim will take up irregularities in the join but not if it's too big.

Some piccies may help if you think it is to wide.

mark chandler - 31/7/12 at 07:43 AM

My rear arches extend beyond the curve of the back panel so I had a gap growing to 1/2" at the rear edge.

All I did was stretch cling film over the rear panel (to stop it sticking, bolt on the wing using bits of tube to space out and hold firmly in place (B&Q Ali tube then filled the gap with isopon P40.

Once cured, sanded and filled you have handed wings that fit perfectly
