I've had a big change of plan with my dashboard, and having cut holes in it for switches and clocks that I now no longer wish to use, I need a
new dash panel. Annoying, as the one I got with the kit was also C/F, albeit not the best quality....
I've decided to bite the bullet and get another carbon fibre one, but I'm having trouble finding a supplier. Carbon Mods no longer produce
them, and didn't want to make me a single one-off.
I've found Fluke Motorsport
as an alternative supplier; has anyone on here used this German-based company?
And did I read somewhere that someone on here makes them up to spec.?
Car is a GTS W7DE (no additional comments req'd, thanks!), based upon McSorley +442 chassis. I can get exact measurements if required, but am
unsure if I want a flat-bottomed piece, or one with "ears" at this stage.
Any suggestions greatly received.
Thanks y'all!
The carbon mods one was withdrawn as it didn't meet IVA requirements there was no radius on the bottom.
I've seen fluke and was considering them for a Tunnel top.
I used a grp blnk and covered it with Di-Noc.
Whats wrong with a GTS +4 - LOL!!
I just found this at SVC new I'd seen one recently carbon effect though linky
[Edited on 5/10/12 by big-vee-twin]
Julian a trader on here owns http://www.aerodynamix.co.uk/ top quality stuff
A friend has a Carbon Mods one on his Westy, and it has a rounded bottom edge - they told me they withdrew it as they were focusing on other
components and projects?!?
Thanks for the SVC link though; I'll bear that in mind as a secondary option, as I really would prefer a proper C/F one to match the other shiney
bots on the car.
And thanks Paul, I'll check out Julians' website and see what he does!
Assuming you haven't drilled holes on the radius part, why don't you get a bit of flat sheet and just put a strip straight across?
Either just straigh over the top or just cut the bottom curve off yours and bond the flat to a bit of ali and the curve below it and you've just
made your own CF dash???
If my description isn't very good (cos It's not!!!) then I'll draw you a simple "paint" drawing to explain...
Depending upon when you need it, I have a mould, and I will be making myself a new one in the coming months (changing dash layout). It has a 25mm rad on the bottom of the dash. See my photos for an example!