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black nylon / plastic washers
givemethebighammer - 16/9/04 at 07:56 PM

anyone know where I can buy M6 black nylon / plastic washers from. Local nut / bolt place only has them in "natural" or "white".


locoboy - 16/9/04 at 09:20 PM

if nylon 6.6 then you can buy a dye to dye white or clear ones if your really stuck.

givemethebighammer - 16/9/04 at 10:27 PM

the guy at the fastener place said something about dye so they should be OK. Where would I get the dye from or will normal clothes nylon dye from Woolworths do the job ?

locoboy - 17/9/04 at 07:39 AM

No sure matey, try a google search first, we get stuff dyed all the time for work but its large volumes of stuff and obscure colours too but its all subcontracted out otherwise i would half inch you sone dye

binraker - 18/9/04 at 08:34 PM

try and