Hi All
Having a semi mid-life a couple of days ago I traded in my 320d for a Focus ST in full asbo Electric Orange trim, Ive always been a Ford man so it
just felt right
Car is in very good condition however the front bumper has a couple of spots of flaking laquer and I knocked the dealer down a bit to compensate,
however I wish I had done my research as its not as easy as booking it in for paint.
Most of the bodyshops ive been to won't even quote on it due to the ballache in matching the 3 stage pearl paint.
So my specific cry for help from the LCB mob is can anyone point me in the direction of a good bodyshop that might take it on in the glasgow or even
central scotland areas?
Its not applying a three stage pearl that's the problem, we do this all the time, but this colour and others such as Hot Magenta from Ford
can't be blended out onto a panel without showing so a localised repair is not possible. They will have to prime the whole panel to get a
consistent colour.
My PPG mixing scheme says this should be painted as a standard Mica and not a three stage pearl, so don't let them try to charge you extra for
that. Its just clear over base as usual.
Hope that helps.
Unfortunately I'm in Bedfordshire so can't recommend a body shop.