Who are the recommended reg plate suppliers? And where can you get those "stick-on" type, for the nose-cone?
Got mine off eBay. Although strictly not a legal plate as it isn't flat and doesn't have makers name at the bottom
I ordered my standard plates from this e-bay shop yesterday and they arrived today.
After many years of buying No plates I found this Co , the very best.
Plates are sealed & do not de-laminate.
I dont know if they supply stick on ones as we had a small one for the front of ours
Not had any problems yet.
good luck
Thanks you for all your advice. Useful info.
Ebay is the easiest place to get no. plates these days. If you try and buy them over the counter the amount of hassle you get nowadays having to
prove your and your cars ID.
Order them on Ebay and wait for the post.
Got mine from Halfords. DVLA should give you a document authorising you no buy plates. No hassle at all