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locost morgan
pedromorgan - 21/5/05 at 06:38 AM

has anyone thought of doing a much older looking locost? i would love to do one with full length running boards comming off the front fenders and stretch the tail a bit. give it a colpleatly redisigned front end.


Cita - 21/5/05 at 06:52 AM

Take a look at Stephen Gusterson's photo archive.
He's doing something Morgan stylish!

Cheers Cita

dnmalc - 21/5/05 at 07:42 AM

I was also intreged to find out what this would look like. But Stephen's photo-archive is empty any other suggestion

mangogrooveworkshop - 21/5/05 at 07:48 AM

pedromorgan - 21/5/05 at 01:34 PM

an interesting project.
i especially like the doors.
i think i would have flared up the tail buy a couple of inches.
i cant wait to see the front end when its finished!


Cita - 21/5/05 at 07:21 PM

Thanks Mango ! (in the name of Pedromorgan)

pedromorgan - 22/5/05 at 05:40 AM

lol pedromorgan started on another forum. peter morgan was taken. from then on it has always been pedro!


[Edited on 22/5/05 by pedromorgan]

Cita - 22/5/05 at 07:12 AM

And Pedro doesnt like to say thank you?

pedromorgan - 22/5/05 at 07:39 AM

thus edited. i ment to stick it on the first one!

Cita - 22/5/05 at 09:45 AM