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Locost Rear Arches
Blue Hurricane - 3/1/06 at 07:21 PM

Does anyone know where I can get a pair of 9 inch, seven style rear arches? I had 11 ½ inches wide arches delivered with my body but they are too wide for my car (mkII escort axel with 185 wheels). They are French blue if anyone wanted to consider a swap for a pair of 9 inch arches (colour not that important) let me know.

Failing to find anyone who wants do swapsies! Does anyone have any experience of cutting them down which they can pass on to me? I have never created stuff with fiberglass before, but wish to give it a go......

They are GTS arches if that helps?


Blue H…..

darrens - 3/1/06 at 08:03 PM

think luego stock them for their locost range


Bob C - 3/1/06 at 08:27 PM

chrisf did just that to his arches & describes it on his website

rusty nuts - 3/1/06 at 08:36 PM

Didn't cut mine down , but widened by about 2 inches. Just marked down the middle and cut with a jig saw , placed some spacers in the middle and used glass fibre matting and resin to bridge in about 4 places. When that had gone off placed matting over gap and resined into place. A bit of filler and sprayed . Think to reduce would be easier .easier if you can exchange them though even if the colour is wrong HTH

k33ts - 3/1/06 at 08:59 PM

why dont you get wheel spacers
itll look better aswell and if you upgrade later to bigger wheels therell be no more messing.

Chippy - 4/1/06 at 12:00 AM

You have U2U.