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Buck for hood
Dale - 2/2/06 at 06:34 PM

Surfing and came across this.

- half way down the page Rescued attachment hoodinbuck.jpe
Rescued attachment hoodinbuck.jpe

locoboy - 2/2/06 at 06:36 PM

Here was me thinking about a buck for a hard top ............

not a buck for a bonnet

Dale - 2/2/06 at 08:21 PM

Hey thats Canadian!

Triton - 2/2/06 at 11:12 PM

But then we call a bonnet a bonnet which is also a hat......confused myself now

bob - 3/2/06 at 12:18 AM

A VW hood just wouldnt be the same would it

millenniumtree - 3/2/06 at 03:26 AM

And the spare goes in the trunk. A spare wouldn't fit in a boot!!

silex - 3/2/06 at 07:54 AM

No, I think the elephant would struggle with that spare as well. He could lift it though........

Dale - 3/2/06 at 07:34 PM

ahhh my head hurts.

Peteff - 3/2/06 at 07:42 PM

That sounds very cheap