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Westfield Windsreen Vs MK Indy
seadog - 1/6/06 at 02:47 PM


I've been having a nose round at windscreens and really like the look of the Westfield's version as it has the integrated mirrors attached to them. Do any of you good looking buggers know if these would fit an MK Indy?

Many Thanx.

mookaloid - 1/6/06 at 03:02 PM

Never tried it but it would seem possible that the Westie uprights might be usable with a custom screen



Bluemoon - 1/6/06 at 03:09 PM

Thinking the same. Test fited a westfeild screen and side pillars (not the ones with intergrated mirrors mind), seems like you could make it work with some modifications to the uprights (they stick out past the bonnet!),



graememk - 1/6/06 at 03:38 PM

they dont fit i have some side supports i bought off ebay, wrong angle and shape.


seadog - 1/6/06 at 08:31 PM

Hmmmm! Shame

Many Thanx for you feedback guy's