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When to put floor in?
James - 15/7/03 at 04:42 PM

I've finished a rolling chassis now- brackets are on etc. Engine mounts are done.
It would appear to now be time to put in the floor.
Are there any benefits in leaving the floor off for longer? The disadvantages of having it in is the chassis is heavier and stuff will be harder to get to.

Or shall I just get on with it?



RoadkillUK - 15/7/03 at 06:56 PM

Get on with it you soft southern Jessie or do you think It'll be too heavy for you to lift?

My chassis is at the same stage as yours, only mine has a floor in there and the bit behind the seats too, so I'd say yes.

MustangSix - 16/7/03 at 01:01 PM

I put mine in after getting the suspension done. I think it makes attaching the pedals and setting the steering wheel position easier if you can actually sit in the car.

Plus, you can sit in it and make "vroom, vroom" noises when the wife and kids aren't looking.

Peteff - 16/7/03 at 04:11 PM

I cut mine out and welded it in before I put the suspension brackets on. It was no problem moving it round after, treat it like a big sledge.

yours, Pete.

Mix - 16/7/03 at 05:18 PM

I plan to work with the unpannelled spaceframe for as long as possible, it will give far better access during the build and if I feel the need to make vroom! vroom! noises I can always put it on the floor.
