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gts tuning
thunderace - 17/12/07 at 03:19 PM

would you buy from them

zilspeed - 17/12/07 at 03:23 PM

Have done in the early days, before all the nonsense and had not problems.

That was then, this is now though...

02GF74 - 17/12/07 at 03:27 PM

Not bought anything from them but judging by what I read on here, deffo not.

With the advent of forums, I realise that people can go off the handle rather than communicate with the seller to sort it out but to my knowlege there are no other companies on here that get the same comments.

I also don't think people are jumping onto the GTS slagging off band wagon, and often it can't be the case as in the case of newbies (been at least 2 recently).

Mr Whippy - 17/12/07 at 03:33 PM

I still get suspicious of out the blue Newbie posts though as they really could be anyone at all, even Darren's competitors or even the same person just logging in again and again with different user names

bonzoronnie - 17/12/07 at 03:33 PM

No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No,No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No,

If you are fresh from " Care in the comunity " Then probably, Yes


AdamR - 17/12/07 at 03:34 PM

You're asking two questions at once there. I chose to answer the "how good was your service" question and I can only say that it was good. I got fine stuff within the timeframe that I'd decided would be acceptable. But I did go into it with my eyes open and made sure I did plenty of chasing up. To be honest I've found I've had to do that with all the suppliers I've dealt with.

As for the "would you use GTS in the future" question - yes I would if they're the only supplier offering a particular product as was the case last time. But if I could get it elsewhere for a similar price then no way.

I don't know what you're trying to acheive with this thread to be honest. It's been done to death a thousand times before.

bonzoronnie - 17/12/07 at 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I still get suspicious of out the blue Newbie posts though as they really could be anyone at all, even Darren's competitors or even the same person just logging in again and again with different user names

It may be Darren George's way of finding out if it is safe to show his face in public.


PS, one or two of you may notice, GTS is my all time, favorite topic.

graememk - 17/12/07 at 03:43 PM

i would do but, i would not pay untill i collect and i would collect in person, from what i read the product is very good.

Mr Whippy - 17/12/07 at 04:14 PM

If anything the chart/graph shows just how important word of mouth is, especially with the web

Danozeman - 17/12/07 at 04:30 PM

GTS stuff is very good quality when it arrives. I have put no on the poll but, I would buy from them on a cash on collection basis as from what ive seen or had from them is all good. and now he has moved etc and seems to be trying maybe customer service will get better.

02GF74 - 17/12/07 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I still get suspicious of out the blue Newbie posts though as they really could be anyone at all, even Darren's competitors or even the same person just logging in again and again with different user names

Fair point by why don't these out of the blue newbies complain about Mac 1, MNR, MK, Lueogo, RHood, Ral Des etc .... ?

mookaloid - 17/12/07 at 04:43 PM

I have bought from them and was very happy with the wishbones for the indy.

I would buy from GTS if they were the only suppliers of that particular bit of kit, but if I could get the stuff elsewhere, I probably would.



Duncan_P - 17/12/07 at 04:51 PM

I cant complain about the level of service i got from them. They were a hell of a lot better than some kitcar part supplies that have had/am dealing with.

Overall the level of customer care that i have been exposed to in the kitcar/parts sector whilst building the kit so far has been pretty shabby. They certainly wouldn't get away with it in a lot of other sectors. Admitidly there have been some good experiences but most have been a little trying

Confused but excited. - 17/12/07 at 05:32 PM

I voted yes as the quality seems OK, but because of negative response on here, it would have to be cash on collection.

tom_loughlin - 17/12/07 at 07:07 PM

This should read, IF you have actually bought anything from GTS, how would you rate it....
SO many people will click no just to jump on the band wagon.

Like I said, a completed GTS looks far superior compared to most of his competitors....

Just my 2p's worth mind

bonzoronnie - 17/12/07 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by tom_loughlin
This should read, IF you have actually bought anything from GTS, how would you rate it....
SO many people will click no just to jump on the band wagon.

Like I said, a completed GTS looks far superior compared to most of his competitors....

Just my 2p's worth mind

perhaps the people who paid for parts & never recieved them should also be excluded from the poll ??

Technically. they did not buy anything.
They just got ripped off, thats all

I notice the GTS forum is going great guns.
Most of the posts are to ask. "How do you get hold of darren"

On a perosonal note,

Darren George. Sit up. Take notice.

Your reputation sucks.
Time for you to tidy up your act


[Edited on 17/12/07 by bonzoronnie]

[Edited on 17/12/07 by bonzoronnie]

[Edited on 17/12/07 by bonzoronnie]

ReMan - 17/12/07 at 10:55 PM

I have chosen not to vote, but relay my personal experience and opinion.
I bought top wishbones for the Indy from GTS before they were famous/infamous.
I paid, they turned up quickly and were better than the MK ones I was replacing. As good a service as could be expected.

Since then, with the stories that have been relayed here, I would not risk any more money with GTS simple as that.
This is supposed to be an enjoyable relaxing hobby, so there's no way I would risk buying in to a load of hassle, I can get that at work for free!
I would need to see a big change in the feedback reported on here to consider parting with any money with them again.
I think it's a shame, and I do hope that GTS read this and turn things round, they have been given plenty of chances to do so, the ball is definatly in their court.
Until then I will continue to feel slightly embarrassed as each newbie turns up on this forum looking for help having been dissapointed and gettin something of a "told you so" response

flak monkey - 18/12/07 at 07:44 AM

For %&^*s sake thunderace, stop stirring and get a life.

This has nothing to do with 'bodywork and exterior' and is just another one of your posts t stir up shite about GTS, again.

You had a problem, sort it out, in private you dumb %&^$. If you havent got the tenacity to sort out a problem and chase it through to the end then you have no right to complain on here.

Its all been said, time and time again.

I know of people who have waited longer for parts from MK than I did for my whole kit from GTS, and when they have arrived they have needed more than a 'small' amount of adjustment to get them to a useable condition/quality. Yet no one complains about MK do they? No because if you did that you would get 50% of the forum come down on you like a tonne of bricks.

Perhaps everyone should take note, you have no right to slag off, or join in the slagging off of a company, whom you have had no dealings with, even if it is just a cursory comment. Also if you cant be bothered to TALK to your supplier and sort your problems with them, in private, and just want to spread crap about them then you shouldnt be on this forum at all.

Thunderace, all you do is come on here and shout your mouth off. You have NEVER posted a useful bit of information to help anyone on this forum, ever. So SOD OFF.


PS Yes I woke up on the wrong side of my bed this morning

[Edited on 18/12/07 by flak monkey]

blueshift - 18/12/07 at 01:41 PM

Where's the ignore user button?

mistergrumpy - 18/12/07 at 08:54 PM

I have ordered a few things from GTS as well as seeing quite a few of other peoples stuff and the quality is great. Their bodywork, apart from the fact that it doesn't quite fit the Locost chassis is great quality and far superior to my almost see through Luego stuff. Unfortunately though I too have suffered with their customer services and delivery time. As for MK, well I would only just put them 1 point ahead of GTS if I had to. The quality doesn't seem bad but their customer services and delivery is dire too. They only win because they actually answer the phone. So I wouldn't say that GTS are a million miles from any others including also my ongoing Luego issues

procomp - 19/12/07 at 09:17 AM

Hi it's a good job that kit industry is bigger than the world of locost manufacturers.

People seem to forget all about the company's that offer far better quality - better customer service - better knowledge of their product. And all for a price that is not exactly any dearer than the likes of MK GTS MAC#1 luego mnr. There is life beyond these manufacturers you know .

Cheers Matt

jwallbank - 27/12/07 at 11:01 PM

Been ripped, off to the tune of several hundred pounds. Not supplied most of the stuff I ordered and paid for, despite promises that it was ready. Gave up after 6 months waiting and took him to small claims court, got the judgement but even the baliffs weren't able to contact him.

phongshader - 2/1/08 at 10:48 PM


You had a problem, sort it out, in private you dumb %&^$. If you havent got the tenacity to sort out a problem and chase it through to the end then you have no right to complain on here.

That's all fine and good to say but how can I sort it out in private if there's no response?
GTS will not respond to any emails sent from my home email, however I get plenty of email responses from GTS on another email account that I've never questioned about orders never recieved. That smacks of dishonesty and thevery not just a misplaced order. Unfortunately I'm in the states so I can't just drive by and demand goods and services paid for. This is too bad because I've bought from them in the past and received goods ordered, although not in a timely manner but received just the same. Great business model, rip someone off for $200 and lose the potential making $1ks!

ALEXARAS - 4/1/08 at 06:51 PM

Hello, i am thinking of buying quite a few things for my locost from GTS tuning. If i figured out correctly people were paying for their porducts and either never received them or it was taking too long?

I was thinking of buying new fiberglass bodywork from them. What do you suggest me to do?
Is there another similar company offering a wide range of products for locost?

Kind regards

mofo - 12/1/08 at 10:52 AM

i ordered some gts Panther seats on the 4th of dec and then found this site and thought sh*t !! but i got any email on the 5th of dec saying i would gett them in jan and i got them 2 days ago and for the money they are spot on !
so maybe they have turned over a new leaf


Peteff - 12/1/08 at 11:57 AM

I bought some joints and plates a few years ago and had no problems.

DM - 26/1/09 at 11:39 AM

paid for goods over a year ago,was promised a succession of delivery dates which were never met. Darren is now refusing to handover the parts so am taking him to court.

My advice; not worth taking the chance with him, use someone reputable instead.

Paule - 15/2/09 at 11:31 PM

Seems I'm not the only one experiencing communication difficulties with GTS. After placing and paying for an order (some many months ago), can't seem to get any response to emails, and their quoted phone number appears to be out of order.

Does anyone know of other means (or working phone number) to contact GTS? Unfortunately being stuck in Australia, I'm unable to visit their premises.

Many thanks,

[Edited on 16/2/09 by Paule]

Paule - 15/2/09 at 11:33 PM

Would anyone know if GTS are actually still trading or have they gone bust?

[Edited on 22/2/09 by Paule]

Paule - 9/3/09 at 02:02 AM

boy, sure is quiet around these parts...

mistergrumpy - 9/3/09 at 03:16 PM

Pretty sure he's still trading mate. There's a mysterious person from Herne Bay on E bay at the moment selling fibreglass parts for mini's and steering rack extensions and camber adjusters and cycle wings etc. Whether this is him in disguise again I don't know but I'm sure someone mentioned their recent dealings with him not long ago.

Hellfire - 9/3/09 at 06:10 PM

Paule, you might get a better response if you created a new thread on this subject in the GTS section of the forum. This post was originally created as a poll and therefore people who have already posted probably wouldn't look at it again.

I can't answer your questions but I'm sure there's loads of numbers for Darren on here somewhere and would suggest doing a quick search.

Good luck, I hope you get the answers you want.


ETA - I assume you've already tried his e-mail address and mobile number listed on his website? - 07859 005985

Only other thing you could do is to try sending a letter to the address on his website;

GTS Tuning
Dutch Barn,
Wallend Farm,
Nr Canterbury,

[Edited on 9-3-09 by Hellfire]

Paule - 12/3/09 at 10:22 PM

Many thanks for the info guys, much appreciated.

I'll do some searching and see what I can find.


vinnievector - 13/3/09 at 08:08 PM

Hi to all , my bit on gts .

well at first i purchased some willwood brake kits from them . they arrived in good time however i forgot to tell them i needed sierra ones instead of cortina i paid the post ,and all was well .
When i came to purchase my exhaust manifold i paid up front and was told this would take two weeks two weeks came and went i will leave it another week i thought and then i phoned. to be told it would be a further two weeks no probs i said so this came went, so for four mths waiting for my exhaust so i phoned again said i would like my exhaust at the end of the week and put the phone down only to be called back a few moments later and told by mr GTs that he did not want my custom and told me how rude i had being and impatient then put the phone down on me so i put a blog on hear about Gts and was surprised at the amount of guys GTs had p... off
But however it seemed to do the trick as i got my money back, and was put onto the manifold maker gts used .and had not paid for some time so i found out.
i Got my exhaust now, but you don't need this on your first build so my vote was a NO and the the rip off bit he just about redeemed himself . and me and a few lads paying a visit .

40inches - 18/3/09 at 04:42 PM

Probably not buy again, unless they are the only supplier. I bought around £50 worth of stuff from them/him a while ago, I sent chase up email after about 7-10 days, no reply but parts arrived 2 days later. At least I got the parts
I would recommend ordering from website, and pay by card through PayPal. Double indemnity

angliamotorsport - 7/11/09 at 08:39 AM

I'm new to this forum so don't want to jump on the band wagon, but I did pay for plans from gts a couple of weeks ago and have not received them, tried phoning numbers on website but it would seem they are no longer available, one being a mobile and the other located in Bristol somewhere. Ok so I have only spent a few quid but how difficult is it so copy and send plans. I have bought bits before and these came without any problems. If Darren George reads this forum I would suggest he make contact with all the people who are waiting on goods and explain, they might be angry to begin with but I think they would think more of him if he faced up to his responsibilities.

RK - 7/11/09 at 02:01 PM

Only 4 pages of GTS? Normally they go much longer than that.

cps13 - 6/5/12 at 10:47 PM

My recent experience... no opinions, just facts.

Paid for some Zetec engine mounts back in mid-February. I was told to wait 4-6 weeks. So I waited 7 weeks. Heard nothing, sent an email and got no response. Left it another two weeks, emailed and called but got no responses.

Complained through Nochex (payment portal), currently trying to get my money back. Emailed again today explaining I simply want my money back as out of principle I do not want the product anymore.

All told, 4 emails and a few phone calls to get no respsonse. Currently been nearly 12 weeks for what I was told would be 4-6 weeks.

rusty nuts - 7/5/12 at 04:02 PM

Here we go again.

jkrueger - 1/7/12 at 01:49 AM

Yes here we go again.

On 4/20/2012 I ordered

Description: Locost "Book" Top Wishbones
Item Price: £ 58.00
Qty: 1
Total: £ 58.00

Description: Locost "Book" Lower Wishbones
Item Price: £ 76.00
Qty: 1
Total: £ 76.00

Description: Camber Adjusters
Item Price: £ 18.00
Qty: 1
Total: £ 18.00


I had always had prior great email communication with GTS. Then I placed my order and have never heard again.

Check on 5/2/2012 to see if this was a custom part or off the self and when to expect parts. No reply to email so just assumed custom

emailed on 6/7/2012 now 8 weeks since my order and no word.

Tried emailing again on 6/19/2012 and also called on Skype and tried the phone number on the website which no longer works.

I always thought a small community like this would not have sharks in it, but I was wrong. It is amazing this is the top hit on google when searching for GTS customer service. I guess it is partially my fault for not doing my research. Hopefully this will help others from being scammed in the future. I will now have to start the long trail of getting a refund.