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picture manipulators wanted..!!
GeoffB - 21/3/08 at 08:53 PM

Any body any good with picture software that could edit out the sidepanels on an mk so it looks like an atom side..may be leaving the sidepanel colour just following the chassis rails so that its completely exposed ...just a crazy idea that i need convincing is a bad idea
or is it..

snapper - 21/3/08 at 09:02 PM

If you can't see the chassis rails because the side panels are in the way then if you remove the side panels in say photoshop there will be nothing left.
Its not an Xray machine.........
However if you have a photo of a bare chassis then this could be layered over/ or under the side panels to good effect.

In photography and any trick manipulation, if you cant see it, it aint there.

Mark G - 21/3/08 at 11:48 PM

This is very true, It'd be a hell of alot easier if you have a before and after picture of the car with and without panels.

It is possible but has the potential to look crap and also take ages.