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cycle wings
tony1066 - 26/12/08 at 02:14 PM

has any body any tips on fitting the full cycle wing on my rt vortex
and does anybody have any tips on how to set up the accelarater pedal cable to to the pedal

GeorgeM - 26/12/08 at 02:35 PM


what uprights do you have??

bassett - 26/12/08 at 04:04 PM

Hello, cant help on cycle wing as im not there yet in my build but as for pedal I drilled a hole through the end and with small bolt on one side to the other I attached the brass threaded cable end that as you tighten the bolt tightens on the cable.

GBaggott - 26/12/08 at 05:14 PM

From previous builds (MK, MAC1) the MNR cycle wings were the hardest to fit.

Long explaination but hope it helps,

I drilled 2 3.5mm dia holes through each side of the bracket. 2 at the front and 2 for the back for each side.

I then lined the bracket up with the wing and drilled 2 30mm holes through the inside wall of the cycle wing. (use a hole saw)

Pass the bracket through the wing, hold the wing flat/level and drill through the 3.5mm holes (from the inside) through the fibreglass. This ensures all 4 holes are alligned.

Take the bracket out and drill out the 3.5mm holes to a 7.5mm holes to fit a m5 riv-nut.

As the bracket doesn't fit flat with the top of the wing, spacers need to be made. I made the spacers flat on one side and curved on the other to sit nicely on the round tube. (4 spacers one for each hole)

Drill the 3.5mm holes in the wings out to m5 clearance.

Re-assemble bracket and wing, use long m5 screw, spring washer, penny washer, spacer. (Spacer sits between the wing and the bracket)

Note: if you choose to put the bracket flush with the flat surface of the cycle wing you will really struggle to get the wheel off due to the large side over hang of the mnr cycle wing.
Plus i found the cycle wing was slightly larger in diameter than the bracket so putting it flush wasn't possible.

Have a look at my pics they might help.

I hope this helps a bit.
Cheers Gareth

Maradona - 26/12/08 at 06:08 PM

Maybe these pic can help you Rescued attachment cycle wing.JPG
Rescued attachment cycle wing.JPG

Humbug - 26/12/08 at 07:11 PM

No MNR, but I did my first wings like Diego's and they started cracking from the corners of the cutouts.

GBaggott - 27/12/08 at 10:27 AM

Ive added pictures to my archive that might help explain the way i did it.
The installation is more MNR specific. Rescued attachment Cycle wing close up 2.GIF
Rescued attachment Cycle wing close up 2.GIF

jambo - 29/12/08 at 12:28 AM

with my last car i first rivited on a piece of plate,this gives a nice target for drilling the holes rather than trying to hit the centre of the tube.
and a bit of foam behind for vibration. Rescued attachment rear arch fixing.jpg
Rescued attachment rear arch fixing.jpg

jambo - 29/12/08 at 12:38 AM

looking for the last pic made me think of my last build

sonic - 8/1/09 at 09:32 PM

Also check the welds on your brackets,mine snapped off on my MNR at the weekend.
It was the weld on the bracket that is fastened at the top on the upright.
The vibration just broke the weld