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SVA Fail - Retest Changes/Advice Needed?
bassett - 30/3/09 at 12:43 PM

Hi, other than the clutch spring flipping over at 7am and taking uptill 8 to sort we finally made it to our sva appointment with moments to spare. Tester was an all round nice guy keeping us informed and recommending changes along the way which we didnt expect at all. However the car failed some silly points which are a 10min fix and two big ones which im hoping someone can advise me on.

1.) no collapsable steering wheel feature. the coloumn was fine(sierra) but OMP wheel with a pad on removable boss didnt. Any ideas?

2.) Emissions - we sourced a 200cpi cat the other week as mnr couldnt get us one and ive been using a map that Jim lent us. Unfortunately ratings are as below - all being fail

Fast Idle Test
C0(0.3) - 3.97
HC(200) - 2.54
La(0.97-1.03) - 0.883

Idle Test
C0(0.5) - 1.93

These figures are way off so has any one got a mnr r1 sva map as i wonder if the difference is in the headers, cat, silencer etc making jims map not work for us. Also if not what can i do to the map as using a PC3 ours is set with mostly -10 to -15 figures between 2.5-3k.

Any help would be great.

Pdlewis - 30/3/09 at 12:50 PM

unlucky Adam but should be easy enough to sort out. Can you just put a sierra wheel on for point 1?

and if all else fails can you book into an MOT station and alter the map until it hits the pass mark?

coozer - 30/3/09 at 12:54 PM

As said...

1. = OEM steering wheel.
2. = Car engine, sorry, no idea on that one

BenB - 30/3/09 at 12:56 PM

Was the cat toasty warm for the test? Depending on whether you trailered or drove to the test site and when they did the emissions in the test the cat could be cold and ineffective. That would do the CO but not the HC IIRC....

dan__wright - 30/3/09 at 01:03 PM

your running way to rich (i think, always get it confused which way is which)

tomgregory2000 - 30/3/09 at 01:36 PM

yep far to rich,
The hc will go up and co will drop as it gets leaned off and vice versa

Fit a sierra wheel as well

[Edited on 30/3/09 by tomgregory2000]

Davey D - 30/3/09 at 01:42 PM

What year R1 engine are you running?

ive tweaked my map for my 2006 5VY engine which you can have a copy of to try

vinny1275 - 30/3/09 at 01:46 PM

Unlucky on the fail Adam, doesn't sound too bad to sort out tho! Good luck for the retest!

Andy W - 30/3/09 at 02:57 PM

You need to get the cat really hot for the co to fall, mine was running over 4 till it got hot


adithorp - 30/3/09 at 03:25 PM

Lamdba is showing it's rich.

CO that high would look like the cat not up to temp on top of it being rich. Takes a lot of reving the socks off it to get it hot enough to work.

For the wheel I'd put a Sierra one on.


Tinks1 - 30/3/09 at 04:08 PM

Can I ask a question related to the steering wheel
What is special about the Seirra steering wheel that others wheels cannot be used with a collapsable column
I'm confused

adithorp - 30/3/09 at 04:18 PM

The Sierra wheel is type approved and been put through all the crash tests. SVA rules say if you use a wheel and column from a type approved car it passes. Or you need a certificate to say an aftermarket one has been type approved. Otherwise you have to prove it will has the same properties as a type approved wheel/column. Thats near enough imposible...hence you fail.


bassett - 30/3/09 at 05:24 PM

Thanks for the advice - any more keep them comming please. So emissions sorry i dont get it do minus figures add or reduce fuel? Ive been reading threads on emissions and well the headers were hot enough to melt my trousers again - wasted a second pair Ive heard it can take quite some heat to get the cat running - it was driven slowly by my dad 6-8miles and then left to run 10mins before the test then 10mins whilst the tester probed around then left at 3k for 5mins is that enough? My mates happy to test the car at his mot station but i was wondering more if the maps right for the vehicle(R1 2002-03) as, as much as he can help on emissions i doubt he will understand a power commander settings.

How does a sierra wheel fit to a upper coloumn that has grooves for the omp wheel boss? any pics and how its fitted. Is it collapsable or is it just that its fitted to a standard road approved car as the tester was banging on that it need to be collapsable?


[Edited on 30/3/09 by bassett]

Toltec - 30/3/09 at 06:54 PM

i was wondering more if the maps right for the vehicle(R1 2002-03)

Rob Collingridge has a map he used for a Fury with a 2003 engine.

You could at least check his settings against yours.

jambo - 31/3/09 at 09:53 PM

-ve figures reduce fuel
your headers should probably be turning orange with heat to be hot enough,run at 4or5k should do it.
sierra wheel wont fit your boss if he doesent accept a rubber pad over the wheel you may have to fit the sierra column and wheel till after the test.

Wheels244 - 31/3/09 at 10:17 PM

Hi Adam

Do you want me email you the map that is on mine - Marc plugged the laptop into it and didn't have to touch it when setting it up for SVA next Monday !! - it is the standard map that came on it.
I presume your standard map is the same - but you never know ?


bassett - 1/4/09 at 12:33 PM

thanks again, having started another thread on it i think i need a new upper coloumn and sierra wheel which isnt too much of an issue just a bit more time and money.

Rob ive u2u'd you
