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How should I buy a vortex
Pitlips - 16/6/11 at 12:37 PM

I've been after a bec for a long time now but never had the money. However the time has come for me to finally buy one.
I've been doing a lot of reading and it seems that of the 7 type kits the vortx is the one to go for, also I'm 6"3 and the vortx and fit the taller driver.
I don't know how best to buy one, I've been looking at the second hand cars but I want a full cage blue or White paddle shift and a reverse system.
This is quite specific I know, would I be better building one? The thing is I have very little mechanical knowledge and have never had a kit cat before.
Are they hard to build?
How long is it likely to take?
What would be a good build budget?

Sorry for all the questions, I hope someone can help, or sell me one?



vinny1275 - 16/6/11 at 01:04 PM

one of the things with the Vortx is that MNR will set the roll hoops to your height - so you might struggle to get one tall enough.

They're quite easy to build (tho mine is an older vintage, so they might be easier now). If you don't already have a fairly comprehensive toolset, expect to be buying plenty, which would add to your budget. Also have an idea of the price of bits which aren't included in the kit - even down to nuts and bolts (which you'll be buying plenty of!).

It's worth speaking to MNR to see what they could build you one for, compared to the cost of a kit + tools if you don't already have them. An idea of the tools you'll need:

decent socket set
angle grinder
drill, with bits suitable for metal and fibreglass
trestles / axle stands
right angled drill chuck is handy

Having someone nearby who can weld is also handy (probably less necessary if you're going for a bec).

My build's taken about 4 years so far, but other things have got in the way - getting married, building a kitchen, getting a dog, going on holiday, being skint, training for my first half marathon.....

twybrow - 16/6/11 at 01:12 PM

I'm 6' 6", so I can help put with advice on choosing a car for the vertically gifted! I have a Stuart Taylor (Aries), and with the right seat/pedal box combo, I have plenty of room (relatively speaking)... I also found the Raw Striker to be very spacious, especially given the size of it. Also the Avon with a floor mounted pedal box was good...!

If you find one that fits most of your needs, adding a paddleshift, or repainting the car isn't a show stopper. I would worry more about the package as a whole, and the quality of the build... Take someone with you who knows kit cars, as to the newbie, you will be won over just by the speed/noise/wind in hair, and you may end up with an overpriced lemon!

BigLee - 16/6/11 at 01:37 PM

Being 6'8" I can answer the height thing no probs! I have a Vortx and have been building it for a year. (Hopefully finished by August) My cage is specific to my height and looks huge, but gives me enough space to wear a helmet. The only issue I have is my big 'ole feet. Size 14 means I cannot drive the car in normal shoes. Narrow driving shoes are fine though.
I mainly went for the MNR though because of the MX5 engine set-up as I wanted a car engine. MNR do perfectly good bike engine cars though.
Try looking at MAC#1. There is plenty of room in the car, but with the advantage of the full cage unbolting. So you could buy a second-hand car in the spec you want, then get Colin at MAC#1 to build you a bespoke cage. Quite quick with a ZX10R!!!

stevebubs - 16/6/11 at 02:54 PM

mmmm...kit cat...