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near preston
RickRick - 24/8/07 at 04:58 PM

so does anyone have a vortx near preston lancs?

cerbera - 24/8/07 at 05:08 PM

I'm in Preston and I wish I had a Vortx. Is that near enough

millemg - 24/8/07 at 05:31 PM

I have half of one, about 8 miles from Preston, what do you wanna know ?

RickRick - 24/8/07 at 05:37 PM

i'm after having a look at one of these beasts in the flesh i know mnr won't have a problem with me going over there, but it'd be good to see one in the flesh if there's one close by

millemg - 24/8/07 at 05:38 PM

Where abouts are you ?

RickRick - 24/8/07 at 05:49 PM

i'm in ashton preston

millemg - 24/8/07 at 05:59 PM

Not far away, but mine isn't finished yet I recommend going over to MNR, but don't go without your wallet

RickRick - 24/8/07 at 06:07 PM

i will be going over there are a few other kits that are still in the running but mnr is def first choice at the moment around xmass time will be wallet time

zxrlocost - 24/8/07 at 06:50 PM

Im there Build Agent in the West Midlands
Ive always got a car you can come and look at

u2u me if you want
thanks chris

RickRick - 28/8/07 at 03:06 PM

were abouts in the west midlands it's probably just as close to go to mnr to be honest

zxrlocost - 28/8/07 at 07:08 PM

hi mate hednesford

TimC - 28/8/07 at 08:01 PM

Any pics of the demo car Chris?