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Fitting main tub
millemg - 19/9/07 at 08:01 AM

I need to get the main body out of our nice new lounge and onto the car I've asked a bit before, but can anyone help me with some measurements and / or help on cut outs for the roll bar etc ???


TimC - 19/9/07 at 08:22 AM

  1. Cover chassis and rear of tub in tape.
  2. Pull tub on back with front pointed up and ensure that bottom of tub goes underneath back chassis rail
  3. Mark where it fouls on roll bar and top of rear bulkhead
  4. Remove tub and trim inside line marked
  5. Repeat a numbet of times removing small amounts every time - Sanding wheel on a Dremmel worked well.
  6. You will probably find that both the horizontal and vertical planes of the tub will need trimming. There's a photo in my blog that shows one of my sides done.
  7. Once you're happy at the back, check that you have enough clearance where the sides 'clip' over the side rails where the 'dash bars' are welded. Mine needed quite a bit of work to get these so that the back of the tub butted up against the rear rail.
  8. Trim around bar under scuttle. The tub should now be effectively on from foot-wells to rear.
  9. Next job is suspension holes - I haven't attempted these yet.

Edited cos I can't type. Take your time! Oh and support the sides where you trim around the dash bars!

Good Luck!

[Edited on 19/9/07 by TimC]