Hey Chris and Marc.......
hows tricks and traps!
cars gone....but been playing a lot of golf!!!! plus i still have the volvo.......!!!
been sitting and waiting in the background for the right moment.........
all the best RUSS
the wait is nearly over the lmp is nearly there two more machined parts to come and it will be at exeter on 16th 17th november, if you and the misses
are up for a few beers, some great places to stay nearby
yo i play golf to hehe luv it
i shouldnt really its taking away cash from my kit car fund hehe
i am also still here watching waiting for the right time to get ma vortx hehe
Are there any pics Marc?
used to play alot of golf, but alas never have time anymore
should be able to post some pics on tuesday / wednesday, car is currently in truck as we are struggling for space