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ChrisW - 18/10/06 at 05:56 PM

Thanks everyone for your contributions over the last couple of days. I really had no idea that this many people would have donated!

I've spent a little time this evening going through Paypal and upgrading the accounts of everyone that has contributed. If I have missed anyone - there were a couple that I couldn't figure out - please u2u or email me and I'll sort it out.

Thankyou again to the 97 contributing members, both old and new.


ChrisW - 1/11/06 at 03:26 AM

I'm pretty sure I have caught up with all these again, and have emailed those who's Paypal addresses I can't match up to a username.

Thankyou once again to everyone that has contributed. I was expecting at most dozen people to take the time so I'm over the moon that we now have 174 contributors with still a few more to find!

As before, if you have contributed and don't have 'Contributor' under your name, please let me know either by email or u2u (preferably email!)

Finally, to everyone that has u2u'd or emailed to say that they have sent a donation - I'm sorry, but there are so many I can't reply to them all individually and I think sending a generic message would be rude. Please know that I am extremely greateful for everyone's support!

Thanks again!


ChrisW - 8/1/07 at 09:02 PM

Think I'm all caught up on these again people. Those that sent payments from the same email address that they use for the site will have been upgraded automatically, those that havn't will have an automated email asking for their username. Due to the volume of contributions, I simply can't go through them all one by one working out who is who.

Apolgoies for the delay in this. Since I last posted I have....

- Been made homeless
- Moved house 3 times
- Stored all my possesions in various locations around Buckinghamshire
- Got myself a new flat
- Got everything assembled again in one place
- Got a proper broadband connection again

Oh the joy....


ChrisW - 15/3/07 at 06:53 PM

Once again, I *think* I've caught up with the donations. If anyone has donated before now, and has not got a 'Contributor' status under their name, please email me (chris (at)

Also, have just finished debugging the automatic donation code, so anyone donating from now on will have their accounts updated a few seconds after their payment is made without me having to do anything!
