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A few questions about my MAC 1
bi22le - 4/8/09 at 07:54 PM

I will phone Mark at MAC 1 tomorrow with the same questions but wondered what the response is here.
1) There seems to be a little bit of play (10mm very max) on both my rear wheels. when I grab the rim and pull it from left to right (car orientation) it moves. There seems to be more play but it is due to the tyre deformation. taking that into account it still moves. I think is just movement from the rubber bushes on the outside of the upper wishbone. I have checked them and they are spanking new with no excess movement from the inside. Is this ok?
2) My pedals all have movement side to side. Nothing major I just need to know if it is the same with yours. Standard pedals, no pedal box.

Thanks for your advice


[Edited on 4/8/09 by bi22le]

jpindy3 - 4/8/09 at 08:13 PM

if you have rose joints it would be one of them it only takes a 1mm or so movment in one to make 10mm at the wheels.if that makes sense.the same would go for bushes

grusks2 - 4/8/09 at 09:05 PM

my pedals have slight play in them, but my rear suspension is perfect

JoelP - 4/8/09 at 09:08 PM

10mm is a shocking amount of play, definately needs close investigation! Can you not get a friend to wobble the wheel whilst you look close to see where its coming from?

Are the bolts the right size for the bushes?

austin man - 4/8/09 at 09:35 PM

I would be worried at that amount of play, thats nearly an inch of movement across the rear end. Are you ssure it not just tyre wall movement??

dean100yz - 5/8/09 at 05:51 AM

My pedals have a slight bit of movement side to side and i always run with a fair amount of play on clutch. As for rear end mine did it after about 50 miles when i had all new bushes fitted. As said earlier only takes 1mil to make that sorta difference. It'll drive bloody horrible as it is so get them tightened up! You'll feel the difference instantly!

bi22le - 6/8/09 at 08:33 PM

Changed the oil yesterday as the indicator window had NOTHING in it and only a 1 litre came out! Put 3L back in and I can see it in the maintainence window now. The pressure still drops low but does stay higher for longer. Still droped to 3PSI when warm and on tickover. Thinking my sender may be wonkey. As long as it does not show 3PSI over 2K RPM im not too bothered.

giggsy - 7/8/09 at 12:58 PM

Keep a close watch on the oil level 1000cc bike engines can burn as much as a litre every thousand miles or so! You will soon wreck the engine, i use semi synthetic oil as fully can make the clutch slip and get past the rings etc. If you drive the car hard or do trackdays, change oil every other time. Oil is fairly cheap new motors are not.