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Best Christmas Present Ever
grusks2 - 30/12/09 at 08:50 AM

For christmas my wife had paid for me to have my full cage built

And she also went into labour christmas morning so i also got a little boy for christams ( well after 3 days of pushing )

What more could i want

StevieB - 30/12/09 at 08:53 AM

Conrtulations on the new arrival - there's nothing greater and more challenging at the same time than having a baby around the place (mine's two and a half and is turning into a proper rampaging boy - it's great!).

What mor could you want? Well, after three days of labour, I'm guessing you'll need reconstructive surgery on your hand(s)!

speedyxjs - 30/12/09 at 08:57 AM

Quick, get the lottery numbers!

Congrats btw

Richard Quinn - 30/12/09 at 09:01 AM

Congratulations on your new roll cage and who's building the baby? Or vice versa

bigrich - 30/12/09 at 09:09 AM

Sounds like you hit the jackpot to me mate. Hope mum and baby are doing well.

Congratulations to you all, and have a great 2010.

ps Cage looks great.

zilspeed - 30/12/09 at 09:23 AM

Originally posted by grusks2
For christmas my wife had paid for me to have my full cage built

And she also went into labour christmas morning so i also got a little boy for christams ( well after 3 days of pushing )

What more could i want ?

A set of Minilites ?

Sorry, your question was rhetorical, wasn't it.

Anyway, congrats !

gingerprince - 30/12/09 at 09:30 AM

It's a Rollcage!
It's a Rollcage!

oldtimer - 30/12/09 at 09:46 AM

Congratulations on new arrival and roll cage, in that order.

ReMan - 30/12/09 at 10:25 AM

Originally posted by gingerprince
It's a Rollcage!
It's a Rollcage!


Congrats and best wishes to you both

AndyW - 30/12/09 at 10:47 AM

congratulations. My son's 1st Birthday tomorrow and that was a great new year eve present last year!! Although it does give my daughter another opportunity to open all his presents again!!

t16turbotone - 30/12/09 at 11:08 AM

CONGRATULATIONS...welcome to the club

marcjagman - 30/12/09 at 12:14 PM

Congratulations on both your new presents. Why do women make all that noise when having a baby? we don't make that much noise putting it there.

DM - 30/12/09 at 12:27 PM

Originally posted by gingerprince
It's a Rollcage!
It's a Rollcage!


Confused but excited. - 30/12/09 at 01:02 PM

Congratulations to you both.

TimC - 30/12/09 at 01:11 PM

That Sir is perfect!

How much are you loving your wife about now?

scootz - 30/12/09 at 01:36 PM

norfolkluego - 30/12/09 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by marcjagman
Congratulations on both your new presents. Why do women make all that noise when having a baby? we don't make that much noise putting it there.

Gas and air, Pethidine, epidurals, all sorts of stuff, us chaps get a cup of tea, no wonder we get exhausted by it

Congratulations and welcome to the poverty club, children are the best thing in the world unfortunately they're also the most expensive too (worth it though).

Steve Hignett - 30/12/09 at 06:41 PM


Flamez - 31/12/09 at 07:46 PM

Well done Mr and Mrs Grusks and baby Grusks too.

Let me know what you think of the cage,

grusks2 - 1/1/10 at 02:45 PM

Hi Phil

I was meant to pick up the car on monday, but due to the wife messing xmas up lol, the car is still at the factory

Ive seen pics form col & mark and it looks good.