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Worxbusa R all most complete
nero2010 - 13/8/10 at 08:03 PM

Well all most completed 5 months of pure fun.
All i need is brackets for front wings and starter motor bracket for rev/gear from the lads at Mac#1. Once i have them to hand can fit tunnel panels and wings then its the fun with the test not looking forward to this bit. don't suffer with stress but the thought of the test is getting to me.

Have but some more pic's into Archive.

interestedparty - 13/8/10 at 08:16 PM

Number plate lamp?

nero2010 - 13/8/10 at 08:18 PM

Jist waiting well checking for the correct height of number plate

Chippy - 13/8/10 at 10:38 PM

How I wish I had a sixty inch screen so I could see the pictures, :-) Ray

Pezza - 14/8/10 at 07:08 AM

You don't live in Broadbridge heath do you? Near a chap named James?

nero2010 - 14/8/10 at 11:32 AM

Fits my screen with no problems.

nero2010 - 14/8/10 at 11:36 AM

Pezza No but have Known James for a long time I live in the same road as his Mum & Dad and we have done a few miles on are bike around the south England and EU.

Pezza - 14/8/10 at 11:55 AM

Aha, he did mention a while back he knew a chap building a seven with a busa lump in it