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Build is back on!
ash_hammond - 1/3/07 at 10:35 AM

Just thought I would post this to let fellow MAC#1's know the state of my build as I have been fairly quiet over the last few months. To bo honest progress has been very slow recently due to a house move, dam women! Anyway looking out the window at the nice weather has fired back up the building bug. So the build of now back on "full steam". I will post some pictures of progress over the weekend as I have not updated any of my profiles for a while! I have 2 weeks booked off work over easter to get her wired and maybe running. You never know she may be SVA'd in July!

Will keep you posted, speak soon.


DarrenW - 1/3/07 at 10:40 AM

Good one Ash, hope it goes well.

Mac#1 Christmas party is in June so might be an idea to pull the completion forward as a stretched target.

ash_hammond - 1/3/07 at 10:54 AM

Dont think i am going to make the MAC#1 Xmas party as it falls on the same weekend as LeMans. If LeMans falls through i will be there!


mac1 - 1/3/07 at 02:02 PM

Baaaaa, humbug!!

fesycresy - 1/3/07 at 04:19 PM

Are we having Turkey ?

Hope there's no Christmas pudding

DarrenW - 1/3/07 at 04:23 PM

Ive heard someone might be bringing a little chipolata!!!!

Can we have crackers?????

jos - 1/3/07 at 08:00 PM

Secret santa had better not give me a good portion of stuffing AGAIN i had enough of that last christmas

DarrenW - 1/3/07 at 09:44 PM

Fair point Jos but if there is a thieving secret santa you could find it being taken off you!!!!

I never thought of you as a lad who would like a bit of stuffing Jos

jos - 1/3/07 at 10:04 PM

I'm definately a breast rather than leg man !!!!!

DarrenW - 1/3/07 at 10:12 PM

Yep - ill agree with that. But dont forget - nice plump succulent birds are not just for christmas!!

What did you get done tonight then Ash???
I took some insurance out today so will have a little ride out to work in the car tomorrow. Just need the cover note now so i can get the tax.

ash_hammond - 2/3/07 at 09:58 AM

Hi Darren,

I did not get any thing done last night as my job requires me to work away in the week .
Soooo full steam ehead for the weekend. Hence why i have booked off 2weeks at easter to get things sorted and moving.

PS - Fat birds are not just for christmas they are for all year round!!!!!!


DarrenW - 2/3/07 at 10:02 AM

You are just being sexist now!!!!! How very dare you???

Its a shame when work gets in the way of a social life. Some companies have no compassion

First drive of the year for me this morning - twas fantastic. Only 2.5 miles and still managed to nearly drive into the side of a jeep A tad slippy on shaded junctions when the gritters have been out.

ash_hammond - 12/3/07 at 01:52 PM

Over the weekend i got my dash finished off, all swtiches and digi is mount and hole cut for the steering column. Just needs blue tacking on now .

Starting to look like a car, cannot wait for her to sound like a car.

I will get some updated pickies on here.
