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still having problems with Jaw
tim windmill - 19/11/08 at 11:11 AM

still cannnot get my Jaw working 1.03 version. bought as a group buy assembled, fitted into case etc and everything seemed to work fine. i think i must have buggered something up trying to load firmware as i now have lost the display and communication with lap top. Tried reflashing earlier firmware version but no joy. tried following tips on 14point7 website but still no joy. has anyone got a known jaw set up that is working and what version firmware and jaw edit are you using. better still could i post my unit to anyone to have a play with and try and load up the Jaw. i am a complete novice with electronics so any step by step guide would be appreciated

MikeR - 19/11/08 at 12:18 PM

I'm still making my case. Well ok, i started at the weekend buying bits and last night i drilled a couple of holes.

I'm trying to put the laptop socket on the outside of the case and link it to the actual socket inside the case. I need more practice soldering!!!!

Anyway, powered up my jaw at the weekend (for the first time) and it seemed to work, PC read the details from the jaw. I need to try it on the laptop and i'll get round to it in a few days. I did think about flashing the s/w up to the latest release but decided to try what i've got.

RichardK - 19/11/08 at 01:00 PM

Don't mind having a go with it for you if you can get it either to York where I work or Knaresborough where I live.



tim windmill - 19/11/08 at 02:04 PM

u2u sent Richard .
its winging its way to York.