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Rolling Road Link?
MakeEverything - 13/4/12 at 09:14 PM

Hi there,

A while back, i followed a thread on here that i cant find anymore, which referenced a rolling road that could tune MS. I called them too, and they quoted me a price for a day there tuning and tweaking, but i cant for the life of me remember or find what it was.

Their website had a white background, and i think they were northamptonshire based somewhere....

Can anyone help please?

rdodger - 13/4/12 at 09:29 PM

Dale at Bailey Performance? He did mine. I was very impressed.

MakeEverything - 13/4/12 at 09:34 PM

No, that wasnt them. There was someone on here that used them, but i cant find it at all! I did bookmark it, but seem to have deleted / lost it!

austin man - 13/4/12 at 09:36 PM

was it Boggs Bros

Andi - 13/4/12 at 09:37 PM
or try


dlatch - 13/4/12 at 11:16 PM

madteg - 14/4/12 at 03:54 AM

Was it Advanced motorsport at silerstone. Had mine done there, they put car in a wind tunnel instead of using fans and remove wheels and bolt hubs to machine. Very happy with results.

[Edited on 14/4/12 by madteg]

HowardB - 14/4/12 at 06:13 AM

Originally posted by madteg
Was it Advanced motorsport at silerstone. Had mine done there, they put car in a wind tunnel instead of using fans and remove wheels and bolt hubs to machine. Very happy with results.

[Edited on 14/4/12 by madteg]

That is some set up that they have there, I am really impressed. Certainly no chance of the strap letting go and the pride and joy leaping off at a funny angle!


Perhaps they would do a group day,... if we could get together enough people?

MakeEverything - 14/4/12 at 08:37 AM

Thanks guys, i think it may have been Lynx AE... but im not sure as the site may have changed since i looked last!

I need them to be fluent in megasquirt ideally, and will need the whole day myself due to wanting a proper power map, MOT Map and Eco map.

sebastiaan - 14/4/12 at 11:13 AM

It continues to puzzle me why people think they need different maps. One should do everything; it is simply a matter for setting things up for maximum power @ WOT, emissions at the RPM and load sites it is tested on during an MOT and maximum efficiency everywhere else. It isn't rocket science to do....

Keep it simple!

BaileyPerformance - 14/4/12 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Thanks guys, i think it may have been Lynx AE... but im not sure as the site may have changed since i looked last!

I need them to be fluent in megasquirt ideally, and will need the whole day myself due to wanting a proper power map, MOT Map and Eco map.

We can offer 1 full day on the dyno for £250. we are megasuirt experts.

Got to say, there is never any need for more than one map, if you map it right then fuelling will be as it should be for MPG at light throttle and WOT.

we must have mapped over 50 MS's, never with more than 1 map!

Cheers Dale.