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Mounting fuel pump vertical?
TrophyJem - 5/4/14 at 11:25 AM

Can I mount a Bosch 044 fuel pump vertically at the side of my swirl pot?

Or do I need to mount it horizontally so it gets a good fuel supply?

Just I'm a bit limited for space.


theprisioner - 5/4/14 at 11:52 AM

The golden rule with all these type of pump is they must never run out of fuel as the cooling is dependant on fuel running thru them. The ideal position is one that presents a slight positive pressure on the inlet regardless of orientation. If the pump is horizontal I guess the bath of fuel will remain in the pump a little longer if you run out of fuel. I have experimented with such pumps and they have an ability to suck but how much suck is not usually documented. In summary the inlet must be as low relative to the fuel supply tank outlet as you can arrange. My experience is that if that is unobtainable by a few tens on mm then this is not important.

TrophyJem - 5/4/14 at 12:59 PM

The bottom of the pump will be about 1/4 of the way up the swirl pot, so I'm thinking that should be ok?

The swirl pot is fed with a low pressure pump.

Davey D - 5/4/14 at 01:44 PM

in my old nissan 200sx the fuel pump was mounted vertically inside the tank. That had a bosch 044 fitted

dave r - 5/4/14 at 03:54 PM

bmw are vertical too