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Fuel sender fitting
furryeggs - 14/11/15 at 09:16 PM

How the hell am i supposed to fit my sender into my tank. The insructions say it should bolt from the inside but thats never happening, unless i get my 11 month old to stick her hand into the hole, snap her elbow through 180 degrees and work a ratchet blind.

Can i use self tappers and a silkaflex type sealant???

Dave Bailey - 14/11/15 at 09:21 PM

Rivnuts? Or have a boss welded on that is tapped. I did both on my tank... Rivnuts for the in tank pump and a welded boss for the sender....

Dave B

james h - 14/11/15 at 09:44 PM

Ali rivnuts for me.

Smoking Frog - 14/11/15 at 10:14 PM

Couple of pics here which may help.
Fuel Sender
Fuel Sender


hizzi - 14/11/15 at 10:41 PM

i made a ring for inside the tank then tapped the holes in the ring, screwed bolts in then passed them up from inside the tank, this left a ring of captive studs sticking up thru the tank for me to fit nuts on the top side