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Changine CBR1000rr injectors
gaz_gaz - 13/3/17 at 10:30 AM

I'm gathering parts together to turbo my 2012 CBR1000rr, Manifold, Turbo, Intercooler is all taken care of so just the intake to get sorted.

I was wondering If anyone knows of a straight fit injector to replace the standard items which would allow me to get rid of the secondary injectors and simplify the intake manifold/plenum.

I have thought about ditching the standard throttle bodies all together and running with a single TB and custom fuel rail but it seems like a lot of extra work and expense when i can sort the intake out using a pulsar plenum and custom backplate for not alot of money.



daniel mason - 13/3/17 at 06:35 PM

Are you not just gonna run the car standard for a bit gaz? It'll be more than quick enough

gaz_gaz - 13/3/17 at 09:32 PM

Yes mate. I've got a few days out booked already.

daniel mason - 13/3/17 at 10:05 PM

That's good mate. Seasons fast approaching!