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Edis and Megajolt Earthing Wires
Chaz - 21/4/06 at 06:06 PM

From the edis, as people who are reading this and understand edis know, you have a couple of earthing wires coming from it.

Pins 1 and 3 are shrouded by 4 and also have an earthing brown wire running inside. These go to megajolt. Does the brown wire go to megajolt ground pin?

Pins 5 and 6 go to VR sensor and are shrouded by earthed 7. What do you do with the shrouding material?

Pin 9 is ground also but this is to chassis, correct? On the diagram it goes to megajolt. Any probs with just using wire 4?

Pin 2 is green wire (does it go anywhere?)

Pin 11 is none existant, is this a problem?

I have megajolt 2 not v3 as in the diagram. Sorry its a bit of a mouthful i'm just not the best with loom stuff.

MkIndy7 - 21/4/06 at 06:55 PM

This might cover it

paulf - 21/4/06 at 08:04 PM

Hi Chaz .
Just copy the original set up for the earth wires, the sheilds should be connected together and earthed at the megajolt end , connect pins 4, 7 and 9 and the megajolt ground together and earth them all on a tag on the edis mounting bolt.
Pin 2 is idm signal for the ford ecu it is a diagnostic signal for the main ecu and is not needed for megajolt, pin 11 is only fitted to edis plugs that come from a car fitted with a tacho , it is the tacho driver signal , it is possible to drilll the plug and fit a pin if you want to use it , the pin from pin 2 can be used, or you can use the megajolt tacho output from the molex plug.

Chaz - 21/4/06 at 08:28 PM

Thanks! Thankyou for the great detail paulf!
I'll have it running in no time