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'Generating' a VE table for my Zetec in MS
Chris_G - 27/5/06 at 09:06 AM

I have got my Zetec 1800 running now on MS1, V3 PCB, MT2.25, 029q2 and I am now looking into the tuning.

At this point I have not ‘generated’ a table but have simply been running on the basic settings with my req_fuel having been calculated and entered. It seems I should really generate a table as my best starting point before allowing Autotune to interface with my LC1 and do the rest. Trouble is I’m not too sure of the figures I need to enter into the ‘generate table’ boxes.

Obviously I know the engine is 1796cc and I’m told it should be capable of around 155bhp with the cams I have but that’s where I get stuck. I’m not too sure of the expected torque figure and also don’t know what to enter in the MAP boxes. Is anyone able to offer suggestions as to where I might find this info or perhaps you've already done the same thing and know what to suggest?


Chris_G - 27/5/06 at 09:16 AM

Here's the boxes in question.... Rescued attachment generate table.jpg
Rescued attachment generate table.jpg

paulf - 27/5/06 at 09:26 AM

I guessed at hp and torque figures , it is a rough MAP anyway so will need to be tuned using the 02 sensor, mine ran fairly well but was rich at most sites as i think the calculator is set up to be on the rich side for safety, i only have a narrow band sensor so used that to tune roughly and then ran auto tune for the lower settings and adjusted by ear and plug coulour on upper range . I need to get a wide band now to refine the Map.

Originally posted by Chris_G
Here's the boxes in question....

BKLOCO - 27/5/06 at 09:42 AM

Hi chris,
I'm running a 2.0L Zetec and used the following figures:
idle 700rpm @ 20kpa
Max torque = 132ftlbs @ 4000rpm @ 100kpa
Max power = 130hp @ 6000rpm @ 100kpa

The significance of the idle figures is purely to decide where the map/rpm table starts from.

These settings were as I say for a 2.0L engine but shouldn't be a million miles away from the 1.8

Chris_G - 27/5/06 at 10:39 AM

Thanks guys, I'll plug some figures in and see how it goes

What did you guys do about spark tuning?

Thanks again,

BKLOCO - 27/5/06 at 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Chris_G

What did you guys do about spark tuning?

Thanks again,

I personally took an "educated guess" at what it should roughly be.
So far it seems ok as I have not heard any "knock" yet, and it will pull away WOT from 1300 rpm in 5th.
Once I've got the fueling map exactly how I want it then I'll fine tune the spark.

martyn_16v - 28/5/06 at 10:37 PM

I'd be very cautious using the VE generator for a Zetec engine, to be blunt it's crap. It really doesn't seem to cope with (even relatively) highly strung multi-valve engines with peak torque happening quite high up the rev range, you'll more than likely find that it'll make a complete hash of the low rpm columns, which leaves me with very little confidence about the rest of the table.

There are bound to be some people about running similar engines, you'd be better off trying to obtain a table from them as a starting point. Failing that you can just go right back to the beginning and build a table from scratch, it isn't that hard just a bit time consuming (having a wideband O2 sensor makes it 10 times easier though).

Spark tables are a different kettle of fish, basically unless you have access to a rolling road the only thing you can do is make an educated guess (with a rolling road it's basically a case of going for minimum advance for best torque). If you look in the tuning forum on there is a sticky with some simple rules for creating a spark table based on your engine details, i've found these are not far wrong and give good results.

ZetecVan - 29/5/06 at 07:54 PM

I'd used a table I got off someone else, and while it ran, it was crap over around 4000 revs, and I couldn't get over 50 mph.

I generated a table for my 1800 Zetec using that dialogue, putting torque 116 @ 4000 and 115bhp at 6000 and it improved straight away. I know my engine will be producing slightly more than that with because of the injectors and TBs I'm using, but I was able to floor it down the bypass without it struggling like before. I know it needs tuning properly, but it got it running fine.

BKLOCO - 30/5/06 at 09:34 PM

For what it's worth
I wouldn't use tables from someone else either.
I tried this and got horrific results
The generated table was a hundred times better.
I was given one piece of advice by someone (I think on here) that proved invaluable.
If you allways keep this in the back of your mind you won't go far wrong.

Give your engine what it wants. NOT what you think it wants....

This sounts silly but it is so true.
You listen to other people and get ideas of what you think your engine needs regarding fuelling but that may well not be the case.