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What size fuel line?
scotty g - 12/11/06 at 04:16 PM

Hi all, a mate is fitting a sierra DOHC in his kit, keeping all the injection system. He doesn't know what size fuel line to use, what does everyone else use?

RazMan - 12/11/06 at 04:28 PM

8mm would be plenty big enough

[Edited on 12-11-06 by RazMan]

John Bonnett - 12/11/06 at 04:45 PM

8mm or 5/16" should be fine for the feed but I believe the return can go down to 1/4" without any problems.


nludkin - 12/11/06 at 06:32 PM

I am using the same engine in my kit and a standard B&Q 8mm copper pipe for feed and return seems to work a treat.

seadog - 12/11/06 at 08:40 PM

Yep I second nludkin. I too used B&Q's 8mm microbore copper pipe from the plumbing section. I think it cost me around £12 for a 15 metre length which will be enough to run two lengths of fuel line twice comfortably.......I should know as like a twat I kinked my first effort buggering about with it trying to get it through the holes of my diff brackets. Lets say I had more success second time round!!

Feel free to have a nose at the 'Build Diary Sept 2006' in my photo archive to see how I have run both the fuel & brake lines

[Edited on 12/11/06 by seadog]