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bosch 044 fuel pump
bobster - 1/8/07 at 04:31 PM

bought a new 044 fuel pump 4 months ago and has been sitting on my shelf waiting for fitting. I had it out last week and made up mounts for it. I noticed over the weekend that there is a small rattle from it (sound like a bearing). Not sure if my daughter has been 'playing' and may have dropped it. Has anyone any experience with these pumps and is this sound normal when dry? I suppose I could always test it? does anyone know the best way to do this?

omega 24 v6 - 1/8/07 at 05:03 PM

If it's the ones similar to cavalier/carlton fittment then yes I've noticed a light slight rattle from them in the past. It's the roller type impellers in them that rattle. As for testing connect it up to a battery charger and try and pump fluid through it (prolly best not to do petrol incase there's a spark)