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Numb nut wiring question
eznfrank - 6/5/09 at 01:34 PM

I'm doing all my own wiring for the Indy although I've never done any before (probably not a wise move!!) Anyway, all I've done so far is relocate the various components and extend/shorten/re-route where neccesary.

I'm now at the point where I need to add bits in and I'm starting at the back with the number plate light. Is it a simple case of taking a feed off the supply and earth from the main rear lights so that it comes on with them?

Can I also do the same for the side indicators?

In my head it should be that simple but knowing me it's probably not??

omega0684 - 6/5/09 at 01:36 PM

all i did was connect the power for the rear number plate light in with the rear side light supply

chrisg - 6/5/09 at 01:53 PM

These might help Frank

Wiring diagrams

Click on the lighting tab.



eznfrank - 6/5/09 at 02:11 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
These might help Frank

Wiring diagrams

Click on the lighting tab.



Cheers mate, that'll come in handy. Fortunately that's how I saw it in my head so at least I'm on the right tracks.