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Double pole Off-on-on switch needed
lsdweb - 23/9/09 at 07:25 PM

Hi all

I need a double pole three position switch that has off- on - on like the Lights off/side/head switch from places like Vehicle Wiring, but double pole.

Any ideas where I may get one?



t16turbotone - 23/9/09 at 07:28 PM

maybe just use normal single pole switch wired to two double pole relays?

mad-butcher - 23/9/09 at 07:31 PM

try these
Auto Electric Supplies
Premier Wiring


[Edited on 23/9/09 by mad-butcher]

lsdweb - 23/9/09 at 09:24 PM

Found one - RS

I'm planning on using it as a combined master switch position 2 (controlling something like a Cartek isolator) and ignition relay at position 3.


adithorp - 23/9/09 at 10:01 PM

I spent ages looking for one and finally found Durite do one. I'll look up the part number tommorow.


lsdweb - 5/4/10 at 11:55 AM

Strange - that link I posted was supposed to be the RS site! Adrian - did you manage to find the part number?



[Edited on 5/4/10 by lsdweb]

adithorp - 5/4/10 at 08:36 PM

No, but I'll try and remember tommorow.


adithorp - 6/4/10 at 09:15 AM

The switch I used for side/head lights was Durite 0-645-00

Listed as off/a/a+b three position side and headlight single pole light switch.
