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Full beam and flash on same switch
speedyxjs - 5/11/09 at 07:13 AM

I know this was mentioned in my thread yesterday but seeing as there seems to be a few others trying to do the same thing, i though it would be worth starting a new post to try and solve it.

Is there a way of using a spring return switch (headlight flash on the indicator stalk) to work headlight flash but when the headlights are on, it operates full beam (ie one pull to switch to full beam and second pull to switch back to main beam)?

There must be a way to do it as my tintop has it but the wiring diagram just shows all the wires going to the ECU so that is no good.

ReMan - 5/11/09 at 08:13 AM

Most are two position (main and dip) with a sprung flash ?
Am I missing the point ?

Doofus - 5/11/09 at 08:19 AM

A few French cars have that system (306 etc) but it's mechanical in the switch unit not electrical. Turning off the lights even mechanically resets the main beam part so when you put the lights back on they are dipped.

You'd need some cunning electrical/electronic logic device to do it without the mechanics.

adithorp - 5/11/09 at 08:23 AM

I think, what you need is to use the switch to operate a "latching change over relay", but I'm not sure how you have to wire it as I've never used one.


02GF74 - 5/11/09 at 08:57 AM

ok, you want a toggle like on volvo.

like this:

1. swithc off
2. swith to pos 1 - main lights come on
3. swtich to pos 2 momentarily - full beam
4. switch to pos 2 momentarily - full beam

3. and 4. repeated ad ifinitum

do you want main beam on when full beam is on?

this can be done via 2 relays - I have circuit diagram at home but it is drawn in weird way so I haven't sussed it yet - will take another look.

speed8 - 5/11/09 at 09:07 AM

I've done it slightly goofy in the sense that I have one toggle switch which is on-off-mom and one which is on-off

The first one is for dipped so on brings on the dipped, when I switch the second on it turns off dipped and turns on main. In this way I have to go through dip to get main so that I don't have both circuits energised at the same time.
Anyway, my flash is on the dip. I know there are flaws in that but it was the easiest way I could see of getting a flash.

bmseven - 5/11/09 at 11:30 AM

Dependant upon the switches you are using you could always add a 3rd one

Switch 1 Off>Sidelights
Switch 2 Dip>High Beam
Switch 3 Flash (this could be just a push or simple off>momentary on switch)

Alternatively use a stalk

[Edited on 5/11/09 by bmseven]

Toltec - 6/11/09 at 06:34 PM

This might work for you

	Dip/Main Relay changeover cir
Dip/Main Relay changeover cir

It assumes your Dip/Main switch is a momentary changeover, if it is a momentary single pole you will need another relay to do the changeover.

When you turn the headlamps on Relay A will latch on switching on the Dip beam, Relay D may close momentarily then open as Relay C latches closed.

When you PULL the dip/main switch because D is open B is grounded and closes, this opens A switching from dip to full beam and latches B. C opens supplying power to D, when the switch is released D is closed and latched.

Pull the switch again and A is now grounded so it closes, this opens B and latches A and the dip beam comes on. When the switch is released C closes and D opens.


[Edited on 6/11/09 by Toltec]

02GF74 - 7/11/09 at 06:38 PM
