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what wiper motor???
dave r - 20/11/09 at 07:06 PM

a mate of mine is trying to work out what thius wiper motor is from
he needs to replace one in a noble p4 replica

picture removed.... better pic 2 posts down
[Edited on 20/11/09 by dave r]

[Edited on 20/11/09 by dave r]

coozer - 20/11/09 at 07:11 PM

Not a good picture...

Paul (Notts) - 20/11/09 at 07:37 PM

smaller view Rescued attachment Image0106.jpg
Rescued attachment Image0106.jpg

dave r - 20/11/09 at 08:51 PM

thanks for that
took my pic down to keep the post from being in widescreen!