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Denso connectors
brianthemagical - 26/3/10 at 09:49 AM

Hi peeps. I'm after some Denso connectors for vrious engine electrics but i can't seem to find any anywhere. I've tried a few places online to no avail.
Any ideas for places to try please?

coozer - 26/3/10 at 11:56 AM

Got a pic? May be able to help you...

brianthemagical - 26/3/10 at 12:08 PM



First pic is of the plug and the second is an injector that uses the plugs. First link is the US and second is somewhere in Europe so postage is muchos high.


SJL - 26/3/10 at 01:53 PM

The first link gives the Toyota part number.
You should just be able to order one from them.
If you get stuck drop me a U2U

tul214 - 26/3/10 at 03:57 PM


Possibly this one?


[Edited on 26/3/10 by tul214]

brianthemagical - 26/3/10 at 09:19 PM

That's cracking thanks, just what i was after.
Thansk for all the help peeps.