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Headlight relay wiring
RickRick - 4/4/11 at 05:32 PM

Hi need some help figuring out how to wire a relay to switch between dipped and main
i've got a 5 pin relay, i think i've got this part right, pin 30 +12v pin 87a normaly on dipped beam, pin 87 normaly off main beam

it's the last 2 that's got me confused, that energise the coils pins 85 and 86

this is the relay i've got to use

Chippy - 4/4/11 at 07:03 PM

When I wired my power steering pump relay I just put 12v in on one, (85), and earth on the other, (86). HTH Ray

blakep82 - 4/4/11 at 07:27 PM

never really looked at them before, but looks fairly straight forward.

dipped beam is wired through 87a (30 is the positive feed) when you want main, flick the switch in the car, the switch powers the coil to pin 86, and earthed on 85. the coil energises, and pulls the contact over to pin 87, which is wired to the high beam on the headlamp.

85 -earth (via your main beam warning lamp)
86 -main beam switch feed
87 - main beam on bulb
87a -dipped beam on bulb
30 -positive feed (from headlamp on off switch)

to clarify your last point, engergising the coil is what flicks the switch over. put power to it, and the switch flicks over to main beam. the coil is basically an electro magnet. energise the magnet, and it pushes or pulls the switch

[Edited on 4/4/11 by blakep82]

RickRick - 4/4/11 at 07:42 PM

Thanks working!