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handbrake warning light?
john_p_b - 19/7/04 at 05:33 PM

do i have to have one? i've looked long and hard through the SVA book and it mentions nothing about it for the handbrake.

odd question i know but i'm of the opinion that less is most deffinatly more! especialy when it comes to me and wires!


macspeedy - 19/7/04 at 06:28 PM

the handbrake circuit is the method of testing wether the brake fluid low level switch / light is working, well thats what i have done due to having to beable to test the circuit from the drivers seat.

alister667 - 19/7/04 at 07:02 PM

I have no handbrake warning light and my car passed the SVA OK. I don't think it's a requirement.

Brake fluid level warning light as Macspeedy mentions is AFAIK a must, though.

Good luck

john_p_b - 19/7/04 at 08:35 PM

hmmm maybe play it safe and wire it up anyway then...for the extra few minutes it'll take it will be worth getting rid of the risk of failing the sva on it

JoelP - 19/7/04 at 09:30 PM

as the two gentlemen above say, it isnt required to tell you the handbrake is on, it merely tells you that the bulb that warns of brake fluid loss is working. the brake fluid warning light must be testable from the drivers seat, so its either via the handbrake or on the dash.

ned - 20/7/04 at 08:54 AM

most car's i've seen that have been through sva have had an illuminated rocker switch on the dash to check the brake light circuit..


Fozzie - 20/7/04 at 01:07 PM

Absolutely Ned!
I had my SVA in June, down here in t'south (Mitcham), and the SVA man (who was also training a guy at the same time), made a big point of the rocker switch, with the correct symbol, and physically testing it
I am sure I have seen the requirement in the latest SVA manual, I will seek it out when I have a minute, and post on here.


alister667 - 24/7/04 at 12:17 PM

Hmmmm. That's odd. I have no way of checking the brake fluid light from the drivers seat. My SVA tester took the top off the master cylinder, checked the light came on (it did) then replaced it and marked it pass.

Ahh there's nothing like consistancy. And the SVA is nothing like consistency!

Baldrick - 26/7/04 at 07:57 AM

Total inconsistency. My guy (Glasgow) failed me first time because I had no way of testing the light. I just put a push button on the dash. Passed fine.