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Resistor needed for fuel gauge?
scoop - 9/6/11 at 07:53 PM

I have the Premier wiring loom and the Sierra clocks. My fuel gauge measures full all the time. What reistor do i need to put in and where to make it read true? Cheers

Davey D - 10/6/11 at 06:27 AM

have you connected the sensor, and gauge to the loom with power to see what it reads? have you tried moving the float sensor up and down to see if the gauge moves?

scoop - 10/6/11 at 04:51 PM

Its all connected up.
i havent tried the float etc as im led to believe that i need the resistor. I'll try Premier on Monday. i was hoping for a quick answer so i could pop out and get one today and sort it.