I am looking at fitting AMP superseal waterproof connectors on the front of my car to connect up the headlamps and indicators etc but how do you work
out what is the correct rated plug? They are rated at 14 amp and 20 amp connectors but how do you work out what the max power going through these
would be ie. what is the standard rating for a headlight bulb plus indicators etc.
I just want to make sure I get the correct connectors for what I need.
Add up the watts and divide by the voltage (12v)
55w headlight bulb takes 4.6 amps
Indicators are 21w and take 1.75 amps
Sidelights are usually 4 or 5w so about 0.5 amps
[Edited on 27/8/15 by Brook_lands]
the connectors should be at least the rating of the fuse for the circuit.
edit: you may also need more than one 'earth/chassis' connection
[Edited on 27/8/15 by gremlin1234]
Really depends on what bulbs are fitted, H4 headlight bulbs are 100/90 Watts (7.2A/6.5A) or 60/55 Watts (4.3A/4.0A). But a 14 amp connector would be
OK for either (assuming a connector for each side).
Edited to say
amp = watt / volt
[Edited on 27/8/15 by Smoking Frog]
Great, fantastic replies as always guys.
I can now at least sit down and work out to be on the safe side.
If your getting close to the limit, split the earth as suggested.
The max rating will be across 1 pin. So if all of your lights are on at once then the pos supply will be split across all of the seperate pins, the
single earth return will be the weak link.
Originally posted by bi22le
If your getting close to the limit, split the earth as suggested.
The max rating will be across 1 pin. So if all of your lights are on at once then the pos supply will be split across all of the seperate pins, the single earth return will be the weak link.
Originally posted by gremlin1234
the connectors should be at least the rating of the fuse for the circuit.
edit: you may also need more than one 'earth/chassis' connection
[Edited on 27/8/15 by gremlin1234]
What your saying is that I can have each wire or pin up to 14amps so take care not to exceed 14 amp on the earth pin and split out to separate pins if necessary?
With the engine running, the battery voltage will be more like 14v than 12v. Might not make a big enough difference to your calculations to need to step up to the next size connector.
Ok, at least I have confirmed that now so I could probably safely have the Dip beam, side light and Indicator going through one four way connector
although I will double check once I know for certain the bulb ratings, I guess the six way connectors may be ok to connect up the main beam too so
long as I used maybe two earths through the six way.
Thanks for all the help guys...