LED indicator system, with relevant relay. Been working fine.
had to change an LED and put it back in, no idea how long it had been out and the indication seems short and abrupt. Other side is fine ,best way i
can describe it is correct side holds the light for a second or so and then go off. The other side, long gap then on and off sort of straight away.
Iss not a rapid flash like when a bulbs gone normal speed just short amount of light, however normal level of light.
Also noted - dashboard light stays on, does not flick on and off.
I also notice on the side indicator (smallest of them all, 3 LEDs) between the flash they still glow ever so slightly, again only happens on the one
side. So something to do with that wiring.
I've spent a day on it and got no where basically.
I presume this cant be earth's because the light is still on inbetween the relay flashes, or could it be and the resistance means the current has
no where to go (probably all incorrect terminology!)
any help or advice would be good. Because although I wired this car 4 - 5 years ago I'm at a loss as to whats wrong.
wiring is just ob CBS 12 fuse circuit board in case it makes a difference.
[Edited on 18/8/18 by killerferret666]
I would question the replacement part. Just because it's new doesn't mean it's serviceable. It looks like it was all working ok before
the replacement part so you should try to get back to this state - how could there be a wiring fault when it worked ok previously ?
[Edited on 18/8/18 by wylliezx9r]
Originally posted by wylliezx9r
I would question the replacement part. Just because it's new doesn't mean it's serviceable. It looks like it was all working ok before the replacement part so you should try to get back to this state - how could there be a wiring fault when it worked ok previously ?
[Edited on 18/8/18 by wylliezx9r]
swap the new led onto the other side. then you should be able to tell ifit is the new led or the other side wiring that is at fault.
Originally posted by cliftyhanger
swap the new led onto the other side. then you should be able to tell ifit is the new led or the other side wiring that is at fault.