Rather unsurprisingly, the battery in the Indy has died in the 8 years since it was last used.
I was using a 12ah Bosch motorbike battery, but looking on ebay, things seem to have got more complicated. There are li-ion batteries, gel batteries
and the normal lead acid batteries.
I'm not really worried about weight or size, but I'd like a battery that doesn't either kill the electrics in the car, nor die after 6
Any recommendations?
If you're not worried about size or weight I run a small car like a mini battery in my Bec.
As above,a small car battery gives you a bit more back up.
Guinness, it's been a long time, are you getting her back on he road/ track
Originally posted by PAUL FISHER
Guinness, it's been a long time, are you getting her back on he road/ track