Im thiinking of making a digital gear indicator for a technology project at school does anyone have any ideas on how it may work?
Thanks Tom
What sort of gear change it it? Motorbike (ie rotational) or a car gearbox. (ie linear)
For a rotational one, why not fit a poteniometer to the selector shaft. This will give a different resistance for each gear position. Which can be
changed into a voltage easily enough. You can then feed that into a analogue to digital converter and a pc to create your digital output.
Alternatively a certain voltage will appliy to a certain gear, so just make up some circuitry to use those voltages. You may need to use an amplifier
to boost the voltage changes though.
If its linear you could think of using an optical encoder, which will give you a digital output.
You cqan get the Acumen ones off ebay for £40.
On/off switches mounted around the gear stick so that a different on is pushed for each gear.
Connect up to a logic circuit (probably based on NAnd or NOr logic switches) which in turn work a single 7 bit display.
If you want R and N though a more complex display would ne needed
[Edited on 19/4/05 by clbarclay]
Thanks just the thing im looking for
cheers tom
My dash is based on a field programmable gate array, basically it knows mph and it knows revs so there's only one gear it can possibly be in.
You have to be a bit careful with timing but that's all (displayed mph and revs have different time constants).
Pictures in me photo archive if y'r interested.
Bob C
Tom, what course/subject is this for?
[Edited on 19/4/05 by clbarclay]
Its for a year 10 systems project at school.